Statement on Steward Hospital closures: If you are affected by the upcoming closures of Carney Hospital and Nashoba Valley Medical Center, learn how we can help.
Statement on Steward hospital closures
Statement on Steward Hospital closures: If you are affected by the upcoming closures of Carney Hospital and Nashoba Valley Medical Center, learn how we can help.
Resources for raising your family
Routine pediatric health screenings and preventive immunizations are covered in full (no cost sharing). Find more information on preventive care.
For children from birth through age 5, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention offer helpful information on the important developmental milestones your child should be reaching as they grow.
If your child is struggling to meet age-appropriate milestones, contact your child’s pediatrician. If you need help finding a pediatrician, contact Member Services.
We send a mailer to parents/guardians ahead of your child’s 11th birthday with information on the importance of the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination. We’ll also send a postcard when your child is nearly 12 years old, reminding you to complete their adolescent immunizations.
Questions about your toddler’s health? Wondering what the pre-teen years will bring? Ovia Parenting can help give insight on your child’s development from infancy through adolescence. As a Harvard Pilgrim member, you have access to services, such as unlimited in-app messaging with Ovia’s team of experts, including:*
Many of us find ourselves juggling the responsibilities of caring for young children as well as elderly, ill or disabled family members. Harvard Pilgrim is working with Wellthy to help support the caregivers among us.
Whether you need help finding an in-home nurse, locating quality long-term care facilities or verifying benefits information, Wellthy will help you get things done and match you with a care coordinator who has the right skills and experience for your situation.
Wellthy is available only to members who have coverage through certain employers. Contact Member Services to find out if this program is available to you. If it’s confirmed you’re eligible, sign up for Wellthy here.
With Tinyhood on-demand parenting classes, you’ll have access to information on baby care, breastfeeding, newborn sleep, infant CPR and more. You can also get one month free followed by 25% off your annual membership.2
Our behavioral health education library has resources on common behavioral health conditions like postpartum depression, stress and more to help guide you to more complete care.
1 Harvard Pilgrim Health Care does not specifically endorse or recommend and makes no warranties, expressed or implied, that communication with Ovia Health is a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or qualified health provider with any questions concerning your medical or mental health condition.
2 Members must enroll to gain access to a discount on Tinyhood’s services. Program services and access are subject to change.
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