Is Your Organization Emotionally Healthy? Learn What to Do & How It Helps

While mental health is inclusive of emotional health, emotional health is specifically defined as the ability to handle life’s stresses and adapt to change and difficult times. The conversation around emotional and mental health has been gaining momentum among employers in recent years. But with a recession looming and the influx of quiet quitting adding to the rise of burnout, it’s no surprise that Americans’ self-assessment of their mental health is the lowest in more than two decades. With 81% of individuals looking for workplaces that support mental health, employers need to elevate conversations and support for emotional health too.

Here we’ll explore strategies for how employers can build emotionally healthy workplaces to drive employee satisfaction, retention and better business results.

Expand mental health benefits

With emotional and mental health going hand in hand, it’s important for organizations to have a comprehensive mental health benefits offering. In fact, according to recently analyzed Google search data, comprehensive mental health support was one of the top benefits employees are expecting from their employers.

Employers can offer health benefits such as in-person therapy or teletherapy, as well as subscriptions to meditation apps and counseling services that give employees outlets and resources to cope with feelings and manage stress. Having a variety of options gives busy employees the flexibility to prioritize and personalize their mental health journey.

These offerings not only help employees, but businesses too. For every dollar invested in mental health care in the workplace, employers see a $4 return in the form of employee satisfaction and better productivity, according to the World Economic Forum.

Create a culture of support

Simply offering mental health benefits isn’t enough to promote an inclusive, emotionally healthy workplace. As Javier Barrientos, chief diversity officer of Point32Health notes, true inclusion happens when an employee is able to bring their authentic self to work and feel a sense of belonging. This type of equitable, solution-oriented environment requires active awareness and support from leaders, managers and employees alike.

Business leaders and HR managers can encourage this type of inclusive culture not just by offering things like flexible schedules, which can ease the burden of caregiving or commuting, but also by promoting what is available. Reminding employees of their mental health benefits fosters a sense of understanding. Managers can also encourage the use of wellness offerings included in their benefits packages, like mindfulness programs, well-being webinars and fitness subscription reimbursements. Offering these benefits is wonderful but encouraging employees to use them can show the supportive nature of your organization.

Know the advantages of an emotionally healthy workplace

On top of creating a positive environment for employees, business leaders also benefit from an emotionally healthy organization through:

  • Increased productivity. Compared with other employees, those who strongly agree that their employer cares about their overall well-being are 3x more likely to be engaged at work.
  • Decreased burnout. When employees are able to manage their feelings and emotions with internal and external resources and a supportive workplace culture, they’re also better equipped to cope with stressful situations and avoid burnout.
  • Better relationships. Emotional health plays a critical role in building and maintaining positive relationships with colleagues, leadership and clients/customers. When employees are emotionally healthy, they are more likely to communicate effectively and work collaboratively.
  • Higher job satisfaction. Working in an emotionally healthy workplace gives people a greater sense of purpose, achievement and pride in their work.

Fostering an emotionally healthy workplace takes dedication. But when employees are satisfied with their organization, your bottom line can benefit too. It’s a win-win for everyone.