Contact our team for help
Harvard Pilgrim’s behavioral health care management team is here to support members who are having mental health issues, substance use issues or both. Call 866-750-2068 (TTY: 711) to find out if you or someone you care for is eligible.
Here are some of the ways Harvard Pilgrim’s behavioral health care management team can help support and guide members toward better health and living.
Facing mental health and substance use issues can be difficult. Getting connected with a peer recovery specialist — someone who’s shared the experience and understands what you’re going through — can help strengthen your resilience and empower your recovery.
Harvard Pilgrim members who have worked with peer recovery specialists have:
Your mind and body are connected, and your physical health and mental well-being can influence one another. Our licensed clinicians can help if you or your child:
Support from our care management team may be right for you if you:
Call 866-750-2068 (TTY: 711) to find out if you or someone you care for is eligible.
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