Living WellSM Program Overview

Harvard Pilgrim takes a holistic approach to well-being focused on improving the whole person. Often, well-being centers around exercise and nutrition only, leaving out factors critical to a happy, healthy life. Our program is different. We offer dynamic tools and personalized activities that support emotional, physical, financial and work well-being. Because needs and motivations vary by member, our programs offer members the flexibility to tailor their experience to best support their preferred path to well-being.

Check out this video to learn more about Harvard Pilgrim’s Living WellSM program and the turnkey solutions available for your clients.

Our programs are highly customizable, with offerings including:

Online platform

Our industry-leading digital well-being engagement platform is designed to improve whole-person well-being in meaningful, impactful ways.  Harvard Pilgrim offers a robust, free well-being program that, unlike many others, is open to all employees, not just Harvard Pilgrim members. Program users have access to personalized activities and resources to support all dimensions of their well-being from emotional and physical, to financial, to work. Our digital Living wellSM program incorporates a wealth of activities that span the entire spectrum of well-being, with options that appeal to all five generations, and integration with mobile and wearable devices. It offers a personalized experience by engaging participants with the aspects of their health they are most interested in improving and maintaining.

Larger businesses have the option to programming specific to their organization. These employers also get access to dynamic tools that measure and improve employee engagement and inclusion, customized reporting, and company-specific content.

Customization and incentive management

Groups can create their own incentives-based program, enabling employees to earn points and rewards for completing designated activities (age- or gender-appropriate health activities, preventive screenings, flu shots, etc.). Our program also allows for a great deal of flexibility in accommodating a group’s preferred reward strategy.

Well-being Assessment (WBA)

We take a contemporary approach to health assessments, one that is more relevant to modern work culture, and that aligns with our overall approach to well-being.  Unlike other assessments, our WBA helps employers zero in on statistically significant predictors of human well-being and engagement, using a unique set of questions that measure not only engagement but also the well-being factors that drive engagement.  This progressive approach enables employers to take proactive steps to decrease employee burnout and increase retention.  The WBA fully integrates with our well-being engagement platform, and directs participants to their well-being dashboard, which introduces a set of personalized goals and social activities, as well as relevant programs and resources.

Tobacco cessation

Employees can get free, confidential phone counseling through the Tobacco Helpline at (800) Quit-Now (1-800-784-8669). One-on-one tobacco cessation counseling is also integrated into all our nurse outreach programs, and customized worksite programs are also available.


Mindfulness techniques can help employees manage stress, boost concentration, reduce blood pressure and build the immune system. Offered since 2005, our mindfulness program can help bring these benefits to groups’ workplaces through stand-alone workshops, multi-week programs, individual coaching or any combination of these.

Discounts and savings

Through our Discounts and Savings program, we offer our members discounts on many health-related products and services such as weight loss programs, meal delivery, aging well, mindfulness, organic gardening, caregiving in all its forms (babysitters, nannies, senior care, pet sit­ters, tutors, housekeepers) and much more.

Alternative care network

Harvard Pilgrim covers acupuncture as a core medical benefit. In addition, through our relationship with Whole­Health Networks, employees and their families have discounted access to the nation’s leading Complementary and Alternative Medicine network of practitioners for acupuncture, yoga, Pilates, tai chi, massage, personal training, mind-body therapies and more.

Fitness reimbursement

Groups can promote healthy lifestyles by rewarding employees for physical activity. Through this benefit, members can get up to $150 back annually, per individual or family policy. Qualifying facilities include those that provide cardiovascular and strength-training equipment for exercising and improving physical fitness, such as: health clubs and fitness centers; YMCAs and YWCAs; Jewish Community Centers; and municipal fitness centers. Qualifying facilities also include fitness studios/facilities that offer:

Yoga CrossFit
Pilates Strength training
Zumba Tennis
Aerobic/group classes Indoor rock climbing
Indoor cycling/spinning classes Personal training (taught by a certified instructor).

At Work For You worksite health programming

For groups that want to invest in more highly customized programming, our At Work for You worksite well-being service provides tailor-made programs. Our well-being experts will evaluate a group’s workplace and design a targeted program to address specific issues (risk reduction, well-being, productivity, absenteeism, etc.) that will have the most significant impact on well-being. Activities range from health risk screening programs and single-session workshops to longer-term, incentive-based behavior change programs, all available through multiple channels, including on-site and web-based programs.

Menu of at Work Programs and Services

Strategic consulting

For groups who want to invest in a more customized well-being strategy, we take a highly consultative approach to understand their goals, objectives, culture and budgetary considerations. Based on this discussion, we develop a progressive strategy that will help the group achieve their business initiatives and support the well-being of their employees.