Dental coverage to smile about

One of the most asked about benefits from people shopping for a Medicare Advantage plan is dental coverage.

Harvard Pilgrim HealthCare makes it easy for members to get the dental care they need by including dental coverage with our Harvard Pilgrim HealthCare Stride HMO plans.

With no network restrictions, members can go to any licensed dentist and get reimbursed for their dental services up to $1,000 depending on the plan they choose*:

Basic Rx (HMO) Plan Member Pays Value Rx (HMO) Plan Member Pays Choice Rx (HMO-POS) Plan Member Pays Value Rx Plus (HMO) Plan Member Pays
$1,000 annual reimbursement toward dental expenses $500 annual reimbursement toward dental expenses $500 annual reimbursement toward dental expenses $500 annual reimbursement toward dental expenses

For more details on dental coverage, visit HPHC Stride HMO 2023 Plan Documents.
Look for the “Dental Addendum” which includes a list of the approved dental procedures.

If you have any questions, please contact Medicare Broker support:
Call: 1-833-984-2387

*Excludes orthodontics and implants.