Mind the Moment at your Worksite

The Harvard Pilgrim Experience

As an organization committed to health, wellness and innovation, Harvard Pilgrim piloted its first mindfulness class to employees in 2006. The response was so overwhelmingly positive that we began offering the classes on a regular basis. So far, nearly 30% of Harvard Pilgrim employees have attended one of the multi-week programs with participants reporting improvements in:

  • Communication
  • Focus and concentration
  • Ability to handle stress
  • Balance in work and home life
  • Decreased distraction during the workday

Harvard Pilgrim’s Mind the Moment program has presented its mindfulness courses  at over fifty diverse companies and events, spanning hospitals; universities; tech, engineering, and financial services companies; law firms; resorts; and charitable organizations. We are pleased to offer these courses to any interested company or organization, regardless of whether or not they are a member of Harvard Pilgrim Health Care.