Prescription drug plans

Harvard Pilgrim works with Optum Rx to manage our pharmacy benefits. The type of drug plan you have (either Premium, Value or Core NH) will be shown on your ID card. The dollar or percentage amounts next to “Rx” on your card will tell you how many tiers your plan has. If your card does not show a specific drug plan then you have a Premium plan1.

Click a plan below to look up drugs, get prices, find in-network pharmacies and more.


2024 Prescription Drug Plans:

Value 3-Tier

Value 4-Tier

Value 5-Tier

Value ConnectorCare 3-Tier

Premium 3-Tier

Premium 4-Tier

Core NH 4-Tier

Core NH 5-Tier




1 Not all employer-sponsored plans offer Harvard Pilgrim prescription drug benefits. Please contact Member Services or your Human Resources department to find out more about your coverage.